Friday, January 23, 2015

How to Connect With Yourself

Who is the person in your life who treats you the best? Who watches out for you, notices when you are hungry, done in, uncherished, boiling and then takes care of you? Who knows what you are thinking, so you don’ t even have to say a word? Who knows all your favorite things, how you like best to be comforted? Who is the person whose respect you inspect, whose appreciation you earn, whose love goes the deepest?

Did you say, “ I am! ” I buoyancy so.

Our relationship with ourselves is our primary relationship. How we treat ourselves dictates how all our other relationships go.

Do you take time to connect with yourself everyday? If not, you may feel really disconsolate. It doesn’ t take long to make that connection, just a few minutes. This is how I do it. You may have a different way, and I would love to hear about it so I can add it to my resources.

I sit still, and concern my breath. Breath is easy since it is big, and uses a lot of your body, but it’ s effortless, you just need to grasp it.

I notice my feet on the tar. I really feel that grounding connection. Sometimes, my feet feel great, sometimes they don’ t. I remark the sensations, but don’ t get obsessed up in them. Time to nurse them succeeding.

I grasp my backside in the chair. I feel supported. I use the Inventive Question, “ Why am I fully supported? ” Ear how many meanings that matter could have? Yeah, it’ s rich!

I bring my attention back to my breath, and think about people I love, without my emotional baggage. “ Why do I love my loved ones? I am filled with love.

I think about successes I have had during the day. Oftentimes they are toy, sometimes they are bigger. “ Why do I helpful myself? ” I feel treasured, and productive.

I attention that I am in my body, and I think about how much I love my body, and all the things having a body lets me do. “ Why do I love my body? ”

I look around me at the bushes and the cars streaming my on my busy system. I wristwatch people march by, listen to the birds warble, the swoosh of my “ traffic river”, I look at the sky. I smell the smells around me. I breathe intensely. I feel love and appreciation for my life and my world and you.

That’ s it. Takes about 5 minutes or less, and I’ ve strengthened my connection to myself, my body, my life, my world, and you.

Why do I take such good care of myself?

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