Saturday, January 24, 2015

Gratitude: Thankful for a Fit & Healthy Body

I am Thankful for… A Fit & Healthy Body

The first entry in this gratitude series focused on mental and emotional health. Here I will share my gratitude for physical health which I affirm is a very important part of our overall well - being. We sometimes ig the mind and body connection, focusing on one or the other when trying to resolve problems. I know I did until I began to learn and discover how close this connection really is. A weak or sick body can have an influence on a person’ s vein or motivation. A strong and fit body can positively affect self - confidence, mental vigor and center. Physical healing can be affected by a person’ s faith and determination. A negative attitude or perspective can enfeeble a person’ s strength and energy. Taking care of our bodies is a challenge as well as a opportunity. Following I will share the many ways in which I am Thankful for… A Fit and Healthy Body.

1. I am thankful for this body I live in.

I once wrote an article in which I compared our bodies to an automobile. In it I uttered we would probably take much better care of our automobiles if we had just one in our lifetime. Other way I like to look at our bodies is as our home, seat our soul and spirit reside. Looking at it this way makes it a very special place. We are a living, breathing temple. We have just one body in our lifetime. Caring for it is a big albatross, and I want to do my best to keep it healthy and functioning optimally. I also want to appreciate my uniqueness. No one looks exactly like me. I may want some things were different, but I am going to make the best of what I have. I am thankful that I can love and care for this body I live in.

2. I am thankful that I can improve my body.

There is so much we must do on a daily basis to take care of our bodies. We must accommodate our bodies with good nutrition at numero uno 3 times a day so they have enough energy to function efficiently. Proper hygiene and grooming are also necessary to keep them clean and looking good. If we want to increase our endurance, strength, and improve how our bodies function, we must exercise. Caring for our bodies is a big fault as well as an space to feel good and look better. It’ s not always easy, however. It takes labor and persistence in exercising and changing our food intake before we make to notice some results. After gaining some weight over the winter, I was set on to get into better shape. I began a more vigorous exercise program and cut out desserts ( delete for opaque chocolate ). It wasn’ t too long before I could fit into my favorite jeans again. I am thankful that there are things I can do to look better and improve my body. I do not have to accept unhealthy habits or infection. I can do something about them. I can do my part to make my body function better and I will get good results.

3. I am thankful for our Demon - apt moderation.

Sometimes I will reverse on the simple blessings we are inclined in being able to gape, hear, smell, taste, and touch. I mind when I went to the eye doctor and got a new prescription. I didn’ t think my vision divergent very much until I put on my new contacts. All of a snappy, as I looked all around I became really inflamed. I kept saying, “ I can eye.

” Contrivance was so clear. I didn’ t know what I had been mislaid. I was so thankful to survey the outline of the clouds in the sky, the detail in the buildings ahead, and the clarity of colors ubiquitary. I am very thankful for clear vision. When I luxuriate in the taste and aroma of delish foods, I am thankful for the mind that enable me to have this pleasurable experience. A sinus infection that kept me congested for weeks made it very hard for me to smell or taste much of machine. I unequivocal was thankful when it unsealed up, and I was thankful for the little blessings I often take for gladly. I am ofttimes reminded of the many reasons to be thankful for our reasonableness. I love music and spend a great deal of time playing and listening to it. I am also thankful for touch. Our bodies can experience all kinds of enjoyable physical sensations. As I think about all the amazing and appealing things we can savor through of our reasoning, I am so thankful.

4. I am thankful for hands and feet.

Our hands and feet emblematize location we go and what we do. When my tremendous began to have problems with her knees, her ability to go latitude she wanted and needful to go was significantly hindered. She couldn’ t step for very long before she would have pain and bitterness in her legs. Her experience always reminds me to be thankful. I love to go for long walks and I appreciate motile, climbing, and exercising that require healthy legs, knees and feet. I am also thankful for the many things I can do well with my hands like play my guitar and work on the computer. A player colleague of mine has problems with arthritis in his hands that limit how long he can play. He is thankful for the ability to still play and he does not let it stop him. Fortunately, he has found some natural remedies that are kind and keep his hands working. With our hands and feet, we work and serve others. We dance, jump, and play. I take the time right now to give thanks that I am able to work and serve, step out life, and go stage I need to go and do what I need to do.

5. I am thankful for smiles and jubilation

I considerably swallow the words of this reproduce: There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness. ~Lady Marguerite Blessington. A illuminated and happy smile on a person’ s face is so bewitching. I think people look their very best when they have inner peace and joy. It shines through their eyes and smile. One of the best ways to bring a smile to our faces is through light-heartedness. I am so thankful that prosperity is an inborn trait we all have. I believe we ought to laugh more repeatedly. This nonverbal form of communication creates a positive energy and is highly contagious! Prosperity is not only good for our mental health; it is also good for our bodies. I heard a doctor explicate it as “ internal jogging” and a great way to relax our muscles, lower our blood pressure, and release endorphins. I am thankful for the largesse of exuberance. I can laugh at myself more usually and not take life too seriously. There are many things that can make me laugh and smile. I make it a point to smile at people. I like the way I feel when people smile at me. I am thankful that I can express affability, love, and joy when I smile and laugh.

Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved. Written by Krystal Kuehn. NewDayCounseling. org & BeHappy4Life. com

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