Friday, January 23, 2015

* * * Bodybuilding Supplements On A Budget

If you’ re stern about adding nutritional supplements to your bodybuilding program then your first step is to take in that this is going to be a fish wrapper expenditure just like your car payment or phone bill.

And of course, you want to keep it MUCH closer to your phone bill than your car payment, right?

Let me share with you 2 EASY STEPS to saving a TON on your supplement bill...

Step 1: Car... Phone... Take out... Supplements?

Take a practical look at your Annals expenses and first determine EXACTLY how much money you can commit to spending each and every month to help you stretch your goals.

Ahhhh... what’ s the matter?

Did you hear your pouch slam shut like a dungeon door?

Attaching a newspaper “ commitment” to buying supplements took all the “ fun” out of shopping around for glitzy newcomers you witness in each belief of the latest bodybuilding magazine, didn’ t it?

Fine, it’ s MUCH easier and commoving to get all worked up about the miracle new “ fat burner” and whip out your credit describe to look like the fitness model in the add 30 days from now, isn’ t it?

And herein lies the problem...

Emotional decisions are what force us to spend more money than what we planned on sometimes worthless supplements... and then we’ re troglodytic scratching our people when the credit find bill comes in and we wonder how the current balance got so high.

Let me tell you... while establishing a chronology budget for your supplement purchases may force you to face the detail that there really IS a cost associated with them, most people spend MORE money on supplements by NOT setting a budget and sticking with it!

Bottom line... without a budget, you have no way of limiting yourself and you’ re likely to overspend.

But setting a annual budget can help you in other ways as well...

By staying within a certain spending limit, you’ re forced to REALLY make reasoning, educated decisions about your supplement choices.

While the new “ miracle” muscle - builder you were frothing at the jaws over in the current muscle mag may be function your name, once you sight that it will blow this month’ s AND next month’ s protein sway, it won’ t be so charismatic and you’ ll be forceful to install with your just and true supplement program that will take you MUCH further toward your goals.

Step 2: Make Your OWN Supplement Formulas!

Just so, you heard me right...

There’ s no need to pament such grotesque prices for name brand supplements when you can EASILY create your own recipes right in your very own bake house.

You don’ t need to be a laboratory scientist to do this... it’ s in reality amazingly simple if you know how!

I’ ve outlined a 4 - step process you can use yourself to create your very own powerful supplement formulas at my website...

- - - - > www. HomemadeSupplements. com.

Once you read this report, you’ ll never look at supplements the same way again... and you won’ t have to go flat in your hunt for more muscle and less fat!

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