Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Milk - The Big, White Lie!

Milk - the big, white lie!

By: Ian Kelley Chef / Bodybuilder / Health Supporter

www. organicbodybuilding. com

Please know that I am just like you and I am not trying to speak down from a hilltop or condescend. I would do that if I deliberation it would work but humor is repeatedly more effective. I too once believed that milk was healthy, good and should be guzzled down like lager through a dispatch.

Milk is touted by the “ experts” as the “ Perfect Health Food” and best choice for dieting and weight loss. The contrary is wholly true. The growth hormones, chemicals and bacteria in milk will make you gain weight, retain body fat and make you sick. Try this experiment. Cut out all dairy products for one whole month ( cheese, ice cream, fact ). Resume eating dairy products again. I did this and now I become very ill when I drink milk or eat cheese and ice cream in any sum. I used to drink 2 gallons of milk a turn! Lactose intolerance is supplementary way of saying that milk makes people sick. 95 % of African Americans are lactose grudging, 20 - 40 % of Caucasians are lactose jealous, and 50 - 70 % of Asians are lactose wary. I do not know of any other “ Perfect Health Foods” that make so many people sick.

MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of dollars have been spent to put milk mustaches on celebrities, athletes and models. Millions and millions of dollars are spent on marketing dairy products to the American public and reassuring us that dairy is healthy and safe. “ Got Milk” “ Milk does a body good” and lets not play past the great calcium hoax. Seat will we get our calcium if we do not drink milk? Well, cattle get it from grass but the best human source is infant pliable vegetables. More than 75 % of the earth’ s populations do not consume regular dairy products. They are not dropping dead from calcium deficiency. Most people resist strongly when I suggest that dairy products are unhealthy whereas of the massive amount of media and superintendence brainwashing ( marketing ) that takes place in this country. The consumption of cow’ s milk and dairy products has been linked to many diseases and ailments like: Breast cancer, other cancers, Heart Disease, Stroke, MS, Diabetes, Obesity, Acne, Varicose Veins, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hypersensitive Reactions, Bloating, Gas, Cramps, and many more. You must check out Robert Cohen’ s website www. notmilk. com to get the truth about milk. Read “ The Famous Milk Letter” or hep to on the link below to view the 1999 video report and prepare to be low:

http: / / www. notmilk. com / notmilk. wmv

After the age of 4 or 5 our bodies lose the ability to effectively digest milk. It is the same for other animals; they are weaned and taught to eat regular food. Humans are the only species that continues to drink milk in upgrowth. What makes it even worse is that it is the body sap from supplementary dog, which was intended for calves. The human body has an amazing tolerance level for toxins and for most people if they never stop drinking copious amounts of milk their bodies just take it and slowly build up mucus and disease over time.

Convincing Americans that milk is not healthy is a tremendous challenge. Let me apologize in advance to all the dairy farmers, lacto - ovo vegetarians and milk chugging enthusiasts who might be scraped by my opinions. I have discovered that some people really doctor their dairy products and become entirely overturned at any suggestion that dairy products are circumstance less than a healthy, wholesome food that will nurture them for a lifetime. I suppose if you got your own cow, milked it yourself, and burned out small quantities of pure, fresh, raw milk and dairy products like our ancestors did than you might be OK. This is, of course, if you’ re principally Northern European ancestors drank milk and you fathom it to launch with. This would be the only way to be cold you are not being poisoned.

When I brought this article to my writer’ s category - a small nationality of literary giants I now highly respect - the response I got was “ Wow, this guy really hates milk. ” Really, I abhorrence the people and organizations behind the milk deception. I like milk. It’ s rich and scrumptious; it’ s just not a health food.

Don’ t be fooled by the dairy industry marketing. If you like milk then please swill down a lofty glass right away and have a favorable life. Just know that it is not good for you and think of it as you would a dessert or a cigarette.

The milk industry grew out of need to feed a hungry, growing nation. In many cases we have taken the gifts of nature and individual and perverted them. Domestication of animals, and advances in science and chemistry allowed for the “ great” latest achievements of food processing, canning, Pasteurization, Homogenization, preservatives, food chemicals, hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup. All these things have made food unhealthy, easy and very, very flashy and profitable. There was a time when most food was fresh, healthy and chemical free. There was a time when milk was pure in this country, when stock roamed free and ate grass free from antibiotics and pollutants. Perhaps 50 or 100 dotage ago it was good and safe to drink small amounts of milk from a cow before it became the milk of today. I do not flaw corporations for crave to be profitable, or governments for obscuring the truth. It is our own obligatoriness to discover the truth and change our lives.

“ Most people hoist a simple lie over a labyrinthine truth! ”

The milk enterprise and might know that MANY, MANY more people capability recognize that milk does not play ball with them if they stopped drinking it for a little while. This is why it is so heavily marketed and subsidized by the authority. Please learn, I am not a bigoted. I will still have a little milk bubbles on top of my double macchiato, or a small appraisal of cheese here and there. I think of dairy the same way that most people view filtered muzzle. Salutation and dairy are so omnipresent in our food provide and such a big part of our American culture it is partly silly to avoid them perfectly but they naturally should not be distinct healthy or made a staple of your diet or greater as a healthy component to a suggested eating guide or pyramid. Today’ s milk is a purified food and pure foods and chemicals are harmful, toxic or at primogenial unnatural to the human body.

So what about organic milk? Organic milk is great but it is still homogenized, pasteurized and meant for calves. Americans omnipresent are innervation happy and safe by switching to organic milk. How wonderful it is that we now can go milk from happy, grass fed stock that have been massaged and groomed everyday and not fed any antibiotics, growth hormone or chemicals, right? Sorry folks, organic milk is just like light cigarettes, it is healthier but will still liquidate you! Homogenization turns dairy products into a unstable artery scarring poison. Homogenized dairy products are one of the real reasons behind our epidemic of heart disease.

Milk is chiefly casein, which is a mucus - adequate adhesive that accumulates in the human body causing long - term health problems and disease. Milk from cattle was intended for calves, even cattle do not press on drinking their own milk in buildup they get their calcium and sustenance from grass.

Guess What. Yogurt is crap too! Two different friends recently were application me about yogurt. “ Yogurt is still healthy, right? ” No. Yogurt does contain healthy bacteria, which aids in digestion but it also contains milk and usually is loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners and other chemicals. A better projection, if you are looking to improve your digestion, would be to take digestive enzymes, probiotics or Acidophilus pills which are available at health food stores ubiquitary and are much more effective.

If you want to lose body fat, feel healthy and avoid chronic disease than cut out or reduce all dairy products from your diet. I achieved an incredible new level of health and leanness after I banished dairy products from my life. Don’ t take my word for it, do the research for yourself and you will find out what the dairy industry has been hiding. Run quickly to your refrigerator and dump your milk down the sink today. I know you will mind better health tomorrow and sequentially.


http: / / www. atlaschiro. com / milkbad. htm

http: / / www. mercola. com / article / milk / no_milk. htm

www. notmilk. com

Oski, Frank A. Don’ t Drink your milk! Teach Services, Inc., 1996.

Cohen, Robert. Milk - The Hot Poison. Argus Publishing. 1997.

Body Awareness, Exercise Safety, and Ten Tips to Avoid the Potential Pitfalls of a Bad Personal Trainer

I have to say that I am thankful for my gymnastics, dance, and Pilates training - especially in regards to body awareness. I’ m unambiguous it’ s why so many dancers and athletes are embracing Pilates as a component of their injury - prevention and petulant - training program. And it makes sense why so many of my clients over the senescence have started Pilates, owing to of an injury or problem that limited their ability to participate in general exercise programs. I feel blessed and fortunate to have had the fitness to work with great coaches, teachers, trainers and mentors, but I know that not everybody out there has had the same experience.

The senescent saying, “ You can’ t fix it if it ain’ t broke… ” Well if you’ re not aware of what you’ ve been doing to “ break” it - how could “ fixing” it even do to solve the problem. The first “ fix” has got to be with the mind - body connection and prominent body awareness, or senile bad habits will be impossible to break.

Regardless of your able or dance maturity, or how mature you were when you started your first exercise program, or what physical shape your body is in - it’ s never too behind to improve your health AND strengthen your mind - body connection! It just takes the desire to work on it - and a good coach to guide you along the way!

It’ s been gripping uncertain out in the local health clubs recently…. I know that there are lots of GREAT personal trainers and Pilates teachers out there... but there seems to be such a difference between the typical weight - room training sessions that I’ ve heuristic lately, and a one - on - one Pilates training meet. I suppose unless you’ ve experienced both - you don’ t know the difference. But they seem to be light senescence apart in the amount of fine - tuning and corrections a client wholly receives to be in the right pattern and improve technique. I’ m complete these comments will stir up some controversy!

I find it difficult to keep my entrance shut at the gym watching these poor people do exercises in unquestionably offensive assembly with zero rest in the right places, or being asked to do an exercise that is way to advanced when there might be something much more seemly to start with. At the moment… this is probably the best locus for me to express myself!

* * ( For the purposes of the rest of this article - when I say “ Trainer” I’ m referring to anyone you hire to benefit you with your wellness program ( personal trainer, Pilates Instructor, Yoga teacher, coach, or other health competent. )

For the less experienced clients out there who are admiration how to get the most from your workouts and hire the right Pilates teacher, Personal Trainer, or Coach... Here are my tips and suggestions:

1. If you are not asked to complete a fairly comprehensive personal assessment, medical history, and goal setting evaluation before you originate - proceed with caution… I know that it seems like a hound to fill out all these forms, but this personal information and / or fitness evaluation gives a trainer the information they need to help design a lone program that’ s apt for you.

2. If you complete assessment forms and you have had a recent injury, surgery, or medical issues - don’ t keep these details a secret! You might even be pro - active and plan a consult with your doctor or physical therapist to get written pre - scrutiny to start your new fitness or Pilates program. All this will only help your trainer do a better job for you! Bring any guidelines, therapy exercises, or information with you that might be useful for your new wellness coach.

3. If you’ ve notified your trainer that you have a medical theory, back problem, or injury and they don’ t seem to be taking that reality into consideration as they are putting you through your paces… Bethink them of the problem. If they ignore the matter - STOP This day, Do NOT finish the conclave, ask for a discount and find a new trainer.

4. If any trainer works with you and says, “ do 8 more reps. ” And then proceeds to tell you about their weekend, or asks you questions about the weather - or any other conversation unrelated to how your body feels while executing the exercise - they are distracting your spotlight, shutting the door on improving body awareness, and minimizing the concentration you might need for your stress.

( I need to point out that watching TV, and feasibly the music on your IPod may be doing the same thing! )

If any trainer explains how to do an exercise, demonstrates it for you, but then never purely looks at your body to make corrections for your breathing, form, or technique…. in my theorem - you’ re not really getting your money’ s worth. Either they don’ t really care about you, or they don’ t know enough to critically look at your body and make corrections. Either way your potential risk for injury just got higher, and they aren’ t doing part they could to help improve your body awareness and health.

5. If you are doing an exercise and it hurts– anywhere - Inform your trainer these days. If they are NOT forceful to interest, change, or change the exercise to make it safer and more seemly - find a new trainer! There is a difference between muscle exhaustion and pain! A well - war-horse trainer will work with you to be indubitable that entity you do is beneficial AND safe. The better your body awareness is - the easier you’ ll be serviceable to epitomize between the two. When in doubt… Tolerance it out! Or take a break. Or go on to a different exercise. If you’ re not used to blooming notice to how your body feels during exercise, there may be a learning curve for both you and your trainer to find the right exercises for your program.

6. If you are at venture for Osteoporosis, or have Osteopenia ( the induction stages of bone loss ) your doctor probably wants you doing weight - drift exercise. However - guidelines in the U. S. A. for exercise safety are no indomitable bending, side bending or erratic! Is your trainer selecting seemly exercises for you to help build bone density and avoid fractures? If you’ re not indisputable - Find a new trainer. If you enjoin about these guidelines and they can’ t tell you why they are important….. Or they’ ve never heard of them ( and then they ask you to do other ab crunch… ) The potential for you to get injured and start breaking bones just went way up! Please be safe.

7. It’ s important for every exercise to have a point. Can your trainer tell you why you’ re doing fact in your workout program? Watchful the benefits will help make occurrence you do more heirloom to your health and well - being. ( And you may be less likely to skip the exercises you destination - due to you know that they are in fact the very best ones for you to do! )

8. Ask questions about the qualifications, training, experience, education, certification, and areas of expertise for the trainers you are considering. There is no hard and fast right or mistaken rule here. Just see daylight that you will probably get what you recompense for. Sometimes hiring a new or less - experienced trainer because they are “ cheaper” may not be in your best significance. But a few sessions with a seasoned senile - and they might be able to oversee a maintenance of your program with a newer instructor ( especially if you are introductory a program and have medical concerns. ).

9. Your goals and priorities will change - is your workout program changing to help proper your objectives?

10. Never falter to ask to work with a different trainer. It’ s always right to make a change, and can be good to get opinions and wisdom from a fresh perspective – It’ s YOUR body!

Discover and develop your own sense of body awareness so that you can make corrections in your form, and swiftness yourself to get the most of your workouts. Always listen to your body and make safe exercise choices. Know that workouts with a well - proper trainer will always be money well spent. Use your trainer to help guide and impel you to stay active and healthy and let them support you with a safe and tailor-made workout program. If you ever have any concerns - express them, and know that there are lots of great fitness and Pilates professionals out there… Keep looking until you find the one with the experience, expertise and personality to accommodated your needs.

The Vaccination Debate – Part 1: Dangerous Ingredients in Your Child ' s Vaccines That Your Doctor Probably WON ' T Tell You About

It ' s the start of expanded cram span, so it ' s time to make unmistakable Minor is up to date with all of his vaccinations.

But do you altogether know what your child is getting in those shots?

Many parents take it that vaccines contain a anemic autobiography of the virus, so the acceptance ' s body can develop an immunity without really getting sick. And they ' re partially right. There is some form of live or dead virus in each and every vaccine.

But vaccines also contain preservatives, adjuvants ( substances that stimulate the immune system to proceed more strongly to the virus ), antibiotics and bits of the material the virus was approved in.

Now before I go any further, let me say one thing … I ' m not trying to persuade you to not vaccinate your child. The intent of this article is for you to be informed, so you can make the best decisions for yourself and your family.

That vocal, I ' m going to go ahead and tell you something your doctor probably won ' t …

… Vaccines are loaded with heavy metals, cancer - causing substances, toxic chemicals and untested antibiotics.

They ' re remarkably toxic and can cause deadpan – even menacing – reactions in susceptible people.

Here is a brochure of some of the more disturbing and dangerous ingredients you ' ll find in common vaccines:

2 - Phenoxyethanol is an anti - bacterial instrument being used as a replacement for the preservative Thimerosal ( mercury ). It ' s considered a very toxic material that could cause a boatload of side effects, including behavioral disorders … vomiting … diarrhea … visual disturbances … convulsions … rapid heart percentage … central nervous system disorders … depression … kidney, liver and blood disorders … and reproductive defects.

Aluminum shows up in vaccines in many forms – like aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate and aluminum hydroxide, to name a few. It works as an " adjuvant " to stimulate your immune system ' s response to the virus in the vaccine.

The problem is … aluminum is a particularly dangerous neurotoxin. It has the ability to slip former your body ' s natural defenses and enter your brain – potentially causing brain damage … Alzheimer ' s disease … dementia … convulsions … and coma. Human and grungy studies have shown that aluminum can even cause nerve downfall.

The management is well aware of aluminum ' s toxic nature – it ' s in toto recognized as a hazardous chemical on two different civic regulatory lists.

Ammonium Sulfate is a substance commonly aggrandized to pesticides. It ' s not known at this time if it ' s cancer - causing, but it has been suspected of gastrointestinal, liver, nervous system and respiratory system toxicity.

Beta - Propiolactone ranks high as a hazardous chemical on at head five governmental regulatory lists. It caused lymphomas and hepatomas after being injected into lab mice, but its true issue on humans is not known. Due to repelling study results, the International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) has classified beta - propiolactone as a possible human carcinogen.

Formaldehyde is used as a preservative to stick the vaccine. It ' s a colorless, flammable, strong - smelling chemical that ' s chiefly used in industry to manufacture building materials and produce many local products.

Plus, it ' s also used to embalm – and preserve - dead bodies. ( Reminisce the frog in your high develop biology lab? )

Formaldehyde is suspected of weakening the immune system and causing neurological system damage … genetic damage … metabolic acidosis ( excessive blood acrimony ) … circulatory shock … respiratory insufficiency … and acute renal ( kidney ) omission. It ' s been classified as a known human carcinogen ( cancer - causing substance ) by IARC and is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds on at prime eight public regulatory lists.

Formalin helps preserve the vaccine. It ' s a concoction of formaldehyde, methanol and water. It ' s chiefly used to preserve tissue samples in health care laboratories and presents the same danger to your health as formaldehyde does.

Gentamicin Sulfate is an antibiotic that ' s been known to cause deafness or loss of equilbrioception ( sense of balance ). It can also be highly nephrotoxic ( damage your kidneys ) if multiple doses accumulate over time.

Monosodium Glutamate ( MSG ) excites and poisons your cells and tissues. It ' s used as a stabilizer in vaccines and is also found in many purified foods.

MSG has been shown to cause retinal degeneration … behavior disorders … learning disabilities … reproductive disorders … obesity … and even lesions on the brains of lab animals. Susceptible reactions to MSG can be severe.

MRC - 5 Cellular Protein is human diploid cells taken from aborted human fetuses. They ' re used as a culture to grow the virus.

Neomycin is an antibiotic that has been shown to have multiple effects on your body. It can be a neurotoxin and an ototoxin ( affect authority and balance ). It also can cause respiratory paralysis, kidney damage and kidney fault. Plus, it retards your vitamin B6 passion, sometimes leading to mental retardation and epilepsy. Some susceptible reactions to neomycin can be life threatening.

Octoxinol - 9 is a vaginal spermicide.

Phenol is included in vaccines to help stimulate immune response. Instead, it does the reverse – by inhibiting phagocytic motion. Phagocytes are your body ' s first line of defense. They engulf and digest antigens and activate the other elements of your immune system. Phenol ' s phagocytic - inhibiting follow through all hinders your immune system from properly dealing with the pathogens that are inpouring your body through the vaccine.

Phenol is used in the production of drugs, weed killers and synthetic resins, so you can think the flak it has on the human body. It ' s considered to be toxic to your cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous, reproductive and respiratory systems … your liver … your kidneys … and your skin.

This doesn ' t surprise our bridle at all. It ' s included phenol as a hazardous chemical on at fundamental eight state regulatory lists.

Phenol is so malignant that is was used by the Nazis as a means of destruction during the World Enmity II. Phenol injections were accustomed to thousands of people in concentration camps – especially at Auschwitz - Birkenau – to smother those who were mentally ill, had incurable tuberculosis and were permanently incapable of work.

Polymyxin B is an antibiotic with some nasty side effects - neurotoxicity and acute renal tubular tomb ( the most common cause of kidney error ).

Polysorbate 80 ( Tween - 80 ) works as a stabilizer in the vaccine. It ' s used in a wide discrepancy of products including ice cream, milk products, vitamin tablets, lotions and creams and medical products like vaccines and anti - cancer medications.

But it ' s not as safe as it sounds. According to the December 2005 matter of Daybook of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, polysorbate 80 can affect your immune system and cause severe anaphylactic shock, which can bump off. It also causes cancer in animals.

Streptomycin is an antibiotic. Its prerequisite side eventuality is ototoxicity – the loss of recompense.

Thimerosal is used as a preservative in the vaccine. It contains 49. 6 % mercury by weight and has been interested in many health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease … autism … seizures … mental retardation … hyperactivity … dyslexia … and many more nervous system conditions.

The mercury used in vaccines is succour in toxicity only to the radioactive notability, Uranium. It ' s a powerful neurotoxin that can damage the unreduced nervous system of an green in no time.

The U. S. Containment is well - perceptive of mercury ' s health hazards. In 1999, they intelligent vaccine manufacturers to remove it from their vaccines – and many did. However, you can still find this dangerous toxin in smaller quantities in vaccines on the market today.

The thing is … even " mercury free " vaccines can contain 0. 05 mcg of mercury, which is enough to permanently damage a sensitive ungrown. To make mainspring even worse, mercury accumulates in fat – especially in the fat cells of your brain – so multiple doses of vaccines familiar over the agedness can cause it to build to dangerous levels in your body.

Plus, the inclusion of aluminum and even formaldehyde with the mercury in the vaccine magnifies the problem. Aluminum can make the mercury 100 times more toxic. Toss in formaldehyde as well, and one independent study found that mercury toxicity was increased by 1, 000 times.

The American Academy of Pediatricians says it best: " Mercury in all of its forms is toxic to the fetus and children and efforts should be made to reduce exposure to the extent possible to facund women and children as well as the general humanity. "

These toxic substances have found their way into the majority of vaccinations that you and your child are obtaining. For a breakdown of the ingredients in specific vaccines, please mark below compiled by the CDC. It contains the Vaccine, Microbes and Other Additives:

Chicken Pox

- Varivax Varicella live virus Neomycin

- - Ethylenediamine - Tetraacetic Acid Sodium ( EDTA )

- - Potassium Chloride

- Potassium Phosphate Monobasic

- - Sodium Phosphate Monobasic

- - Sucrose

- - Monosodium glutamate ( MSG )

- - Gelatin

- - Bovine albumin or juice

- - MRC - 5 cellular protein

Diphtheria – Tetanus – Pertussis ( whooping cough )

- Tripedia Corynebacterium diphtheria toxiod * … Clostridium tetani ( tetanus ) toxoid * … and Acellular bordetella pertussis adsorbed Aluminum Potassium Sulfate

- - Ammonium Sulfate

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - Sodium phosphate

- - Thimerosal

- - Polysorbate 80 ( Tween - 80 )

- - Gelatin

- - Bovine extract


- Havrix

- - Hepatitis A Hepatitis A virus Neomycin Sulfate

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - Aluminum Hydroxide

- - Amino Acids

- - 2 - Phenoxyethanol

- - Phosphate buffers

- - Polysorbate

- - MRC - 5 cellular protein


- Hepatitis A Hepatitis A virus Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate

- - Bovine Albumin or Fluid

- - DNA

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - Sodium Borate

- - MRC - 5 cellular protein

Engerix - B

- Recombinant Hepatitis B Genetic sequence of the hepatitis B virus that codes for the surface antigen ( HbSAg ), cloned into GMO yeast Aluminum Hydroxide

- - Phosphate buffers

- - Thimerosal

- - Yeast protein


- recombinant hepatitis B Genetic sequence of the hepatitis B virus that codes for the surface antigen ( HbSAg ), cloned into GMO yeast Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate

- - Sulfate

- - Amino acids

- - Dextrose

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - Mineral salts

- - Potassium Aluminum Sulfate

- - Soy peptone

- - Yeast protein


- Hepatitis A & B Live, attenuated vaccine Aluminum Hydroxide

- - Aluminum Phosphate

- - Amino acids

- - Dextrose

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - Inorganic salts

- - Neomycin sulfate

- - 2 - Phenoxyethanol

- - Phosphate buffers

- - Polysorbate 20

- - Thimerosal

- - Vitamins

- - Yeast protein

- - MRC - 5 cellular protein

Human Papillomavirus ( HPV )

- Gardasil Based on HPV antigens that are proteins. These proteins are used to make four different types of “ virus - like particles, ” or VLPs, which set down to HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18. The four types of VLPs are then combined to make the vaccine.

- - Amino Acids

- - Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate

- - Carbohydrates

- - L - histidine

- - Mineral salts

- - Polysorbate 80

- - Sodium Borate

- - Vitamins

Influenza ( the flu )

- Afluria Influenza virus ( inactivated ) Beta - Propiolactone

- - Calcium Chloride

- - Neomycin

- - Ovalbumin ( from eggs )

- - Polymyxin B

- - Potassium Chloride

- - Potassium Phosphate

- - Sodium Phosphate

- - Sodium Taurodeoxychoalate


- Three strains of type A and B influenza viruses Egg albumin ( Ovalbumin )

- - Egg protein

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - Gentamicin

- - Hydrocortisone

- - Octoxynol - 10

- - a - Tocopheryl Hydrogen Succinate

- - Polysorbate 80

- - Sodium Deoxycholate

- - Sodium Phosphate

- - Thimerosal


- Influenza virus Neomycin

- - Polymyxin B

- - Beta - Propiolactone

- - Polyoxyethylene 9 - 10 Nonyl Phenol

- - Thimerosal

- - Egg protein


- Inactivated influenza type A & B viruses Egg albumin ( Ovalbumin )

- - Egg protein

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - Sodium Deoxycholate

- - Phosphate buffers

- - Thimerosal ( 25 mcg of mercury per dose )


- Three inactivated type A & B influenza viruses Egg protein

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - Gelatin

- - Octoxinol - 9 ( Triton Salute - 100 )

- - Thimerosal ( In multidose vial, 25 mcg of mercury per dose )


- Live influenza virus Chick kidney cells

- - Egg protein

- - Gentamicin Sulfate

- - Monosodium Glutamate ( MSG )

- - Sucrose Phosphate Glutamate buffer

Measles – Mumps – Rubella

- MMR - II Measles, mumps, rubella live virus

- - Amino acid

- - Bovine Albumin or Liquor

- - Chick embryo fibroblasts

- - Human sap albumin

- - Gelatin

- - Glutamate

- - Neomycin

- - Phosphate buffers

- - Sorbitol

- - Sucrose

- - Vitamins

Measles – Mumps – Rubella – Varicella ( MMRV )

- ProQuad Live measles, mumps, rubella and varicella ( chicken pox ) viruses

- - Neomycin

- - Gelatin

- - Monosodium L - glutamate ( MSG )

- - Potassium chloride

- - Potassium phosphate monobasic

- - Potassium phosphate dibasic

- - Sodium bicarbonate

- - Sodium phosphate dibasic

- - Sorbitol

- - Sucrose

- - Human Fluid Albumin

- - MRC - 5 cellular protein

- - Bovine Albumin or liquor


- Menactra

- N meningitidis A, C, Y and W - 135 strains

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - Phosphate buffers


- Freeze - dried polysaccharide antigens from Neisseria meningitidis bacteria

- - Thimerosal ( 10 - dose vials only )

- - Lactose



- 3 types of polio viruses

- - Neomycin

- - Streptomycin

- - Polymyxin B

- - Formaldehyde or Formalin

- - 2 - Phenoxyethenol

- - Son juice protein

- - Primate kidney tissue



- 5 live rotavirus strains

- - Cell culture media

- - Fetal Bovine Serum

- - Sodium Citrate

- - Sodium Phosphate Monobasic Monohydrate

- - Sodium Hydroxide Sucrose

- Polysorbate 80


- Live attenuated human rotavirus

- - RIX4414 strain

- - Amino acids

- - Calcium Carbonate

- - Calcium Chloride

- - D - glucose

- - Dextran

- - Ferric ( III ) Nitrate

- - L - cystine

- - L - tyrosine

- - Magnesium Sulfate

- - Phenol Red

- - Potassium Chloride

- - Sodium Hydrogenocarbonate

- - Sodium Phosphate

- - Sodium L - glutamine

- - Sodium Pyruvate

- - Sorbitol

- - Sucrose

- - Vitamins

- - Xanthan

* A toxoid a bacteria toxin whose toxicity has been unsound or suppressed by chemical or heat treatment for use in vaccines.

* * A vaccine is a " pox - type " virus related to smallpox.

Please note that many vaccines also contain egg products, so if you are one of the many people sensitive to eggs, you may want to avoid those vaccines.

The main point I ' m trying to get across here is this …

… Don ' t say good to a vaccine for you or your child just because your doctor says it ' s safe. It ' s highly likely that he doesn ' t even know what ingredients are in the vaccine.

Instead, ask your doctor for the ingredient insert. You have a right and a amenability to look at what is being injected into you or your child ' s body.

Bodybuilding Exercises - Several Things You Have to Know About Bodybuilding Exercises

This dream is around competing inside different tournaments of Bodybuilding and generating prize cash and acquiring recognition.

Today you will find there ' s undividedness with regard to Bodybuilders. It really is called Prevalent Uniformity connected with Bodybuilders. There are lots of competitions plus events which might be organised so that they can impel bodybuilders and to make emphatic the following sport.

People that are involved in Bodybuilding Exercises need to instruct their wellness. They must take healthy diet and nutrition so that they can build " up " their muscle tissues.

It is serious for bodybuilders to take proper ingestion of proteins since it helps while in the formation of muscles that ' s the important attraction with bodybuilding.

It is often imperative the eye bodybuilders to obtain good metabolism of their body as well as for that they also have to intake micronutrients.

Weight training is an integral part of Bodybuilding workouts. After this sort of training, a particular person feels plenty of strain plus often phone is mini trauma. This can be ultimately aftermath of ripping of muscle mass after Bodybuilding exercises.

It ' s not at all essential that certain feels it once the body building, it sometimes happens next day also.

It is entirely indeed agonizing. Bodybuilding Exercises and body building is not always easy. A many determination, hard work and could power is necessary by the sole who desires to take the following up practical.

At once, one should do not slight that uncalled-for involving person is bad. Also, over training can even be bad. Body building contractors should certify that they without fail required rest with their body after planned Muscle building exercises. This remainder helps one ' s body to revise in the muscle lament in the body.

Bodybuilding Exercises can be adopted by midpoint everybody. It helps an single to sustain good health and fitness by managing the cholesterol levels in the body. Regular training also help a student in greater bone density. Bodybuilding may very well be as on the catalogue of oldest methods to keep human body healthy, healthy and good.

It can be called for art and keep oneself fit and functioning. Body is additionally like the machine, if working will minimize then you can find possibility of jammed parts. So, set any programme on your exercises currently..!!

Your Body Will Determine How Long It Takes To Build Muscles

How long does it take to gain and build muscle mass? Questions like this ofttimes puzzles the minds of many aspiring people who plainly want to have the perfect body fast. Finally, to answer this debate, one must first put into consideration some variables that are of the essence when planning to build muscles.

Secret Key

The first factor could be on what you eat, how well you eat and when you eat? Eating patterns ofttimes affect the scale of muscle development and the quality of the food that you eat also will matter.

Secondly, your genes will have to be considered as well. If your genetic proclivity dictates that you ' ll have a hard time to build muscles then it will take a relatively longer time for you to have them. Sometimes, the innate nature of each different is a limitation that makes each and every one of us particular. We build muscles differently and obviously at different speeds.

Lastly, you must also acknowledge the type of body that you have. In this connection, it is safe to say that there are several body types that an sole can originally have. One type may not be in tune with exercise and tends to develop slower compared to other bodies.

The big endomorph bodied reserved is the one that can gain weight fast. By this, it means that you can get fat fast and can also build muscles at that same speedy standard. Thanks to this type regularly has huge bones and has a relatively slower metabolism, you need to bring out the muscles hiding subservient all the fat. To achieve this amazing action, burning your fats is the first and inimitable accent in this muscle building regimen.

There are others who are smash enough to have the mesomorph body type. These commonality are naturally more substantial and will gain muscle fast. These commonality also do not have the problem of gaining fat fast and will repeatedly only have to activate working out to inspect results.

The ectomorph is the contrary of the endomorph. This person has a hard time putting any weight on their body. They will find it very arduous to gain muscle but it is not impossible. These people much come very skinny compared to others.

All of these things will determine how quickly you gain muscle on your body. You should take your own body type into consideration when you are trying to gage how long it will take you to span your goals. Keep working on your muscles and make assured that you are eating a healthy well balanced diet.

Toxic Relationships: How To Let Go And Build Abundant Love In Your Life

The relationships we engage have a strong impact on our physical, mental and spiritual health.

When relationships are balanced:

( 1 ) We have a release of dopamine that naturally elevates our vein ( a chemical which researchers have identified as almost important for that elated touch we get when we are in love or enjoying the company of a special kissing cousin ). Basically, we are not liable to that sensation of elation.

( 2 ) We feel empowered to grow in new ways as persons and as part of the friendship or couple relationship.

Toxic relationships:

* Have a push / pull denouement direction much one person is pulling away when the other person is pushing forward to become closer.

* Have inequity and co - dependence as central characteristics.

* Are exhausting energetically, physically and spiritually. These relationships take more out of you than they give back and can contribute to developing chronic health challenge such as, depression, digestive imbalances, low immunity, and chronic prostration.

Usually, there is a spiritual and energetic bond between yourself and the person with whom you are engaging the toxic relationship.

This bond fuels an addictive - like state of inclination to engage the person although you recognize that the relationship is not benefiting you.

When that craving to engage the toxic relationship is strong, use the following strategies to redirect that craving and longing.

Qi Gong

Qi gong as a movement form and meditation practice can be used to overpower the craving to engage toxic relationships.

Unlike yoga or forms of western exercise, qi gong is not only a physical tool fo healing but also an emotional healing tool that can be engaged even when you are stale, depressed or physically ill, for all movements can be performed while sitting or lying down as well as standing.

It can also be thoroughgoing into your everyday routine as you work, study or perform ordinary tasks. So, it is a practice you can maintain even when your work schedule is fully and busy or other obligations put demands on your time.

So, the nature of qi gong allows a constancy in your life. This is an important quality as constancy with healing tools is especially important to disengaging toxic patterns.


Music has the ability to also stimulate the brain and create biochemical shifts by influencing brain indicate patterns.

So, get out that “ feel good music” — surround yourself with the frequencies of lofty vibrancy to help yourself during those moments when dopamine drops and you feel depressed and friendless.

Each person’ s harmonious tastes vary, so find the music that resonates for you.

Even if it is not your style, I regularly avail listening to Motown hits. Why Motown?

At the heart of all the Motown hits was the band, The Take to Brothers, who had a different capacity of combining melodic frequencies in such a way to uplift the spirit. Is it any wonder that all of those songs were worldwide hits?

Think about the positive of strains of the” Temptations’ “ My Girl, ” ( ” I’ ve got sunshine on a lightless day” ) and the infectious instrument of Smokey Robinson’ s “ Complaint of a Sufferer. ”

Light Therapy

Also, be sure to hype your serotonin levels by getting plenty of sunlight or using therapeutic full spectrum lighting.

After all, it’ s not just an emotional journey of healing when we unchain ourselves from toxic relationships, but it’ s also a biochemical journey of healing. We need to patronize our brain chemistry.

Diet: Boundary Pillar

This brings us to the thought of boundaries. This is the energy of the spleen and stomach.

Thus, much times, people who are challenged with toxic relationships have weak spleen and stomach energies.

Eating temperate and nourishing foods such as low - fat soups with lots of the orange and pusillanimous vegetables can be very advantageous. There’ s something to be vocal for the healing bowl of chicken discrepancy or seafood combo with rich root vegetables— it not only heals the body but also the heart.


Letting go of toxic relationships can be one of the most uphill things we can do, and it takes time to achieve full deliverance. Take time to celebrate each step forward no matter how small.

Keep in mind that when you release toxicity from your life, you increase ten - district your ability to welcome in an abundance of loving and in fact conducive friendships and intimate relationships.

" Why is This Happening to Me? " Body Karma Explained

" We always have free will in how we choose to deal with our body karma as it arises and this choice determines our destiny. "

After doing thousands of psychic readings and elapsed - life therapy sessions dealing with the health of the physical vessel, I ' ve decided it would be favorable to elucidate some of the basic premises which have become by much clear from my decades of experience in this area.

Firstly, whether we ' re consciously aware of it or not, most of us have had several dozen to several hundred gone incarnations, and the details of these lives are stored in our psyches ' cellular memory.

So, if we think of all the injuries and shocks to the system that our bodies have rangy in just one life and abound this by all the lives in our cellular memory bank, we can go into to get an abstraction of the pool of unsettled body issues that may be coming up to be healed in any accustomed incarnation.

In addition, when we think of all the lives in which we didn ' t die affectionate in our sleep with no regrets or hanging emotions, these may also come up to be healed at pre - programmed times in our karmic story - line, also known as chance.

What about our genetic heritage? Our souls choose their genetic proclivity as the tip of the karmic iceberg to reactivate the body karma we ' re here to heal - - just as we choose our parents, environmental factors and personality potentials as part of the perfect karmic activation container.

So, when my clients complain that caducity in psychotherapy have still not resolved their issues, I remember them that this life is just one chapter in the soul ' s story and that, unless one goes into the previous chapters, it ' s nearly impossible to fully make sense of the root causes of our challenges.

That ' s also why, when I get the dispute I ' m most commonly asked of, " Why is this happening to me? " I ' ve found that attaining clarity from a higher perspective and becoming ready to clutch all levels of healing involved are the pre - requisites before the most successful and long - lasting results can be achieved from any physical protocols.

For ideal, one prevalent body karma theme has to do with being plump in a way that doesn ' t concede one to be fully accepting and loving of their body just the way it is.

There are a multitude of gone life reasons for this. One that ' s common is a form of balancing karma from lives in which one died from starvation during times of famine and the last dying inclination was to be in a heaven of unlimited material delights in the form of food. One woman whom I regressed vocal that her dying vision was now her and her provide ' s greatest joy: " We roam through the aisles of our local all - night supermarket filled with abundant food. " Unfortunately, the continue ' s obesity - related diabetes has caused him to become flimsy, so food had literally become the source of all that is blissfully orgasmic for them.

With karma, the aged saying " Be careful what you intention for " is certainly true. In gospel, all unrequited desires, sooner or succeeding become manifested. However, thanks to it can take many lives, in certain cases, by the time we get what we wished for, the situation may be so different that we feel victimized reasonably than empowered. Cosmic humor, indeed.

I ' ve also done dozens of recent - life regressions bearings women have become very - attached to a large and mature body type thanks to at multitudinal times in human history - - bigger was literally better. They were considered the most attractive at their largest, and now that they have the same body type and it ' s out of fashion, they have a laborious time coming to terms with themselves just the way they are. What ' s a girl to do?

For men, many large and seemingly over - sized guys have had bygone lives fighting pullover mammoths in ice age conditions setting large was good, bigger was better, and furry was an major plus in frigid temps. But since we ' re not in an ice age at the moment, they might make it as throwbacks, attached to their big bodies for survival when it doesn ' t serve their highest good anymore.

Other large men ( and women ) are attached to their body - type over as warriors their bulk in times when food was held dear allowed them to win half the battle before it even started being they appeared so intimidating. NFL players, as our current day gladiators, are remnants of this body case history.

In all the extensive cases, there ' s a need to become aware of the root causes of the karmic like to food or body type for survival or loveliness and, from this, one can then more decidedly choose to bring the relationship with food and the body into balance without the heretofore unconscious fear of necrosis or absence of love inhibiting the karmic healing in this area.

On a more personal note, in the event of foot karma,

after many lives in China of being hobbled by having inappreciable tulip - shaped bound feet as my ticket to survival, beauty, and more - - I ' m dealing with many increasing painful foot problems in this life. To unlocked up my feet, so that I could ground my psychic energies to the earth, I ' ve done standing chi gung daily for over 20 age as well as having much healing work and subterranean massage done.

One of the upshots is that my feet have expanded from a petite size 5 to a size 8 1 / 2 double wide in less than 20 age, and they just keep growing. My lesson is in letting go of any aversion or arrangement in having to wear more functional footwear and just being appreciative that I can still get around on my own and am now more fully deep to the earth.

I ' ve had many clients with severe energetic imbalances in their body which run the scope from thrilled / manic to somnolent / depressed, on all levels from the mental / emotional to the physical / sexual and sometimes both in an alternating current. Many of these have had karmic cycles of bygone lives of overindulgence on the sense level alternating with cycles of complete asceticism and denial of the body. Obviously, in this life the karmic healing would be in choosing to go for the middle path bringing balance to the being.

Until this is addressed, the extreme nature of the cycling can advance to escalate until some form of breakdown occurs, forcing attention to be paid. In this position, the karma can be healed at any point in the downward spiral when the particular chooses to go for the course rectitude. As they say in 12 - step programs, " All bottoms have infinite trap - doors. " This is especially true with issues of body karma, now if the root causes are not resolved before the body is dropped, the karma gets carried forward.

In the position of phobias, any traumatic gone life event, especially mortality, can create an activation in the cellular memory when akin situation trigger it. For object, in cases of OCD, many have had preceding - lives in which they died from some sort of trial, in consequence creating a fear of fatality from subject connected to germs.

Recent - life injuries, from battles or opposed, can come up to be healed in the same parts of the body, nearly reflex like turn out limbs and position, in many cases, medical tests announce nonentity substantially erring. Those who have peck pain may have been hung or in pain there.

Asthma sufferers may have had lives of being buried alive. Those with fear of water may have drowned. Claustrophobia can arise from being imprisoned in a small space. Even certain geographical locations can trigger an irrational aversion if it activates a recent life memory of a not - so - happy ending there.

Obviously, I could record literally thousands of event studies - - but you get the conception.

With mental infection, including cases of arrested development or retardation, the karma carried can be from cycles of lives in which mental development was beneficial extensive heart or any other level of the humanness. In consequence, the soul chooses to come in with one part of the mind handicapped, so that there can be a more balanced development in the fullest human range of the soul. Other times, mental challenges can be a form of karmic style in the name, ended - life patterns of suicide being a common illustration, which the soul is here to overcome and grow beyond.

Before I get into circumstances studies of cancer and other life - threatening illnesses, let me say this: my Channels have exclusive pain as a signal tone from the Higher Self that a course amends is indicated. It comes first as spiritual pain, then as mental and emotional, and in consummation - - if we sanctum ' t gotten the whispered message - - our Higher Self yells in our inner ear: " COURSE Judicature INDICATED! " at the same time we ' re regularly getting blasted by some level of physical discomfort. If that still doesn ' t do it, then the unlearned lessons of choosing to go for the growth are carried into the next incarnation ad infinitum therefore setting up the playing field for our present - day karma.

The most important thing to master, especially when it comes to the physical pain that accompanies much of our body karma, is that we ' re not consciously in control on the name / personality levels for creating it by body we have done or not done in our present incarnation.

But quite, our body karma arises at the perfect time to get us to spotlight on whatever course authority is indicated in some aspect of our being, and that nix less than what has manifested on the physical level would have gotten our greatness enough to be keen to label it and take movement. So, while we ' re not pledged in this life for our illnesses and other forms of body karma, we most naturally are in authority to it, as our symptoms are speaking to us.

In cases of cancer and other life - dangersome illnesses, the karmic roots are too heaps to offer them all. However, ALL are chosen by the soul for karmic healing and soul growth stage no junior play would do. Please go back that the personality NEVER consciously chooses such conditions.

In many cases, especially with breast cancer, the course constitutionality is in placing the need to renew Self first. This could rapacious pruning any toxic jobs, relationships, environments, addictions, or unhealthy food choices that are a symptom of not putting Self - Love before any other.

Locality other forms of cancer, heart disease or life - precarious malady ensue, especially in men or yang - types, there is a karmic tendency in the identity to be a giver, a author, a pilot, and / or a healer. The severe nature of disease forces those who are challenged in the position of obtaining love, aid, and nurturing from others to depart to developing the softer, yin and more exposed side of their Beings.

In many of these storylines, the karmic healing comes from getting the lessons essential in being sick and not necessarily in healing from the indisposition. But quite - - sometimes what needs to be brought into balance is through the healing that occurs within the dying process.

When one fully surrenders to what is, one may be gifted with the grace, bravery and true power that can spontaneously arise from this, then healing can materialize up to the last moment of breath. Conscious dying then becomes the foundation from which no new karma on the themes of fear of sleep or fragmentary humanness needs be played out again at this level.

Lastly, let ' s look at aging gracefully. Did you know that over 50 % of the human pursuit that have ever lived to be over 65 are finally alive on the earth today? That means that as a contest we have no cellular memory of how to age gracefully in an empowered way into our 80 ' s, 90 ' s, and beyond.

This is one motive why there ' s so much fear around aging. As a relay we sanctum ' t as sometime learned how to do it in a positive way, especially in current western culture. So, it ' s very exhilarant to be part of a new procreation in the evolution of consciousness planting seeds in the racial cellular memory about how to live long, with health, vitality and no diminishment of power, but somewhat a trim mob of our forces and an ever - deepening wisdom. How ' re you doing with that?

In closing, in the Vedic traditions of Ancient India, there ' re three levels of being bound by the wheel of karma: iron handcuffs, silver handcuffs and golden bracelets - - and some lives can be a combination of two or three of these stages.

Iron cuffs signify that one ' s in a life of balancing karma from lives in which there were sins of co - mission from harming others. To the degree that we consciously choose to do no harm and come from the heart, we are released from this level of bondage. But body karma in the areas we have hit others may be part of the healing of this karmic package through developing compassion for self and others.

Silver bracelets come from lives in which we aggrieved no one but ourselves ( sins of exclusion ). Releasing ourselves from these irons means placing the love, nurturing and empowerment of self first. Here, body karma arises as needed, to inspire us with this lesson.

And golden manacles, ah golden derbies, as good as they may sound - - they ' re still handcuffs! These come from lives of good deeds in which there was any level - - no matter how subtle - - of individuality aggrandizement from our kindliness. In this position, we ' re pulled back on the circle of karma into incarnations to reap the benefits of all the good we ' ve done. In these lives, we need to learn how to hear our good fortune graciously. Body karma can still arise here, primarily as a register to maintain our unfastened - heartedness and compassion, so there ' ll be no back - sliding.

Vedic philosophy teaches that the higher one ' s consciousness evolves in the Divine game of Leela, Cosmic Play, the further one can fall. It ' s exactly like a game of chutes and ladders. As one rises higher, the levels of misuse that can incur karma become ever more subtle.

To be free from the rotate, one needs to become completely non - attached to the fruits of one ' s actions - - like moving on neutral and origin no footprints. That ' s why having a veeery long - range perspective on the human evolution of consciousness and recognizing that Leela is beginningless and endless is the most peaceful way to Be.

So, when next you have some body karma arising, as we all will sooner or next, somewhat than just suit " Why is this happening to me? " - - the most useful follow - up query is: " What am I supposed to learn from this? "